Spring cleaning: wallet, mindset, and environment
We’re getting the familiar itch to throw open the windows, dust off the shelves, and refresh your house for spring. But there are always other ways you might choose to spring clean. This year, we’re cleaning our wallets, mindsets, and environments.
Wallet. Begin with the literal clean: toss out old receipts, shred expired cards, condense your cash. File your taxes. Review your credit card statements and cancel any subscriptions you need. Check your credit report, plan a new budget, and try to add more money to your savings.
Mindset. Have you been wanting to learn something new? Pick out some books, podcasts, and videos to get you started. Do you like to read the same genre? Pick something new. Find a new album, new movie, or news outlet to get new perspectives. Sets some goals. Consider meditation or yoga to focus your mind.
Environment. Clean your house, your car, your purse, your outfit. Donate or sell things you don’t need, sweep the patio, and change your sheets. Make any home repair or prepare your lawn for the first grass cutting of the season. Consider getting into nature, trying a new restaurant, or grocery shopping somewhere new to get a change of scenery.
As the days get longer, the sun gets warmer, and the temperatures rise, a reset can help you prepare for the summer to come. We hope you’re spring cleaning prepares you for a fruitful spring and warm summer.