October: The month to get into Fall mode

Kevin Orsinger |

October got its name from the Latin word for Octo which means eight even though it’s the 10th month now.

Leaves begin to change color in October due to the lack of light from the sun.  The green color of the leaves disappears when photosynthesis slows down, and the chlorophyll breaks down producing the beautiful Autumn colors.

There will be a full Hunter’s Moon on October 28 and two meteor showers in October, the first is October 9th the Draconid and October 21-22 the Orionid.

October’s flowers are the Cosmo which symbolizes joy in life and love & passion.  The Marigold which symbolizes winning grace.

October’s birthstone is the Opal which symbolizes faithfulness & confidence.

October’s Zodiac signs are Libra September 23 – October 22 and Scorpio October 23 – November 21.

Important and Fun Dates in October:

The World Series of baseball begins in October.

October 6 – National Noodle Day

October 9 – Columbus Day & Indigenous People Day

October 24 – World Origami Day

October 31 – Halloween