November Topic of the Month: Saving Money as a Couple

Kevin Orsinger |

Whether you are married or just sharing a house or an apartment together, it’s time to start saving money together.  Money and savings are a very touchy subject for most couples.  You may want to have your own checking and savings accounts, but at some point, financial goals must be met jointly.

It’s important to sit down at least monthly and review the household expenses and see where you can save.  Remember the rule of thumb is you should have 3 months expenses saved for an emergency.

Beyond that, based on where you are in your relationship you may be thinking of children, vacation, purchasing a new home or vehicle and saving for retirement.

It’s important to discuss how you are going to save for these things, so all the parties involved stick to the goal and understand the importance for your future.

Give Orsinger Investment Group, Inc. a call at 724-588-9067 and let us help you with a financial plan for your future.