July: The hottest month of the year

Kevin Orsinger |

July is named after the Roman General Julius Caesar.  Early July is referred to as the Dog Days of Summer because they are usually the hottest days of the month.  Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon on July 29, 1969.  July 3, 2023 there will be a Buck Moon and its called this because the antlers of the male deer (bucks) are in full growth mode.

July is National Hot Dog month (Americans eat 150,000 hot dogs on July 4th).  National Ice Cream month (the largest ice cream scoop weighed 3010 lbs.).  National Watermelon Month (there are 300 different varieties of watermelons).

July’s Birthstone is the Ruby

July’s Flowers are the Lily and Larkspur

July’s Zodiac signs are Cancer June 22 to July 22 and Leo July 23 to August 22 

Some fun and important dates to remember in July are:

July 1 – American Zoo Day

July 4 – Independence Day

July 12 – Etch – a – Sketch Day

July 17 – World Emoji Day

July 30 – International Day of Friendship