Interesting Topic of the Month: Giving Thanks and Giving Back: Non-financial Ways to Practice Thanksgiving Gratitude

Kevin Orsinger |

Thanksgiving is a time where we give thanks and celebrate the people and things that make our lives worth living. You might decide, like we discussed in the November Topic of the Month article. One way you want to show your gratitude to your community and give thanks is through charitable giving. However, you might also decide that you want to show thanks in other, or additional, ways—and there are plenty of important ways you can do so.

One thing you might consider doing this Thanksgiving season is shopping local. Rather than go to a chain store to purchase your Thanksgiving turkey and other supplies, you might find a local meat market, farm, or family-owned grocery store. Instead of starting your Christmas shopping with large online retailers, think about going the small-business route. Not only does this allow you to show thanks to people and support your community, but it can also allow you to find more personalized, unique gifts.

If you frequently support small businesses, or follow them on any social media, write them an online review or begin to share their posts; this does wonders to show that you are thankful for them and help them feel supported. It is one of the easiest ways to show thanks in a way that also gives back.

You might often tell your friends and family you are thankful for them, but you might think about how you could do that differently this season. Would a handwritten card spark joy for them or for you? Are there people in your life—babysitters, dog walkers, handymen, neighbors, and so on—who make your life better, but you rarely tell them? Drop them a note or make a quick phone call. Do you have a coworker that makes you enjoy going to work even more? Shoot them an email that tells them what it is that makes you thankful for them and why.

Pick up groceries for the person in line before you in the grocery store; donate your time to an organization providing meals to the elderly for Thanksgiving; rake leaves for your neighbors; do something to give back to your community.

Take a few minutes to sit, each day, and reflect on what you’re thankful for. Sure, we are all thankful for friends, family, our jobs, our homes, but think about what makes those things special to you. Maybe there’s a corner of your house that you love to have your morning coffee in, or a friend who always knows how to make you laugh. Practicing gratitude, and thinking about those specifics, can help you to become more thoughtful, more thankful, and more appreciative.

This Thanksgiving, we at Orsinger Investment Group, Inc. are thankful for you, and we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season.