Interesting Topic of the Month: Dia de Los Muertos

Kevin Orsinger |

Perhaps your family is used to celebrating Halloween every year with trick or treating, haunted hayrides, and watching spooky movies. But are you familiar with the Day of the Dead, or Dia de Los Muertos? This is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and by people of Mexican heritage. This multi-day holiday begins on October 31st and ends on November 2nd, and rather than spooks and scares, the focus is on family and friends gathering to honor loved ones who have passed away.

This is a celebration that honors loved ones’ memories by building altars with food and beverages, photos and memorabilia, to share stories and memories of their love ones. Families may visit graves, have memorials in their homes, and generally gather in commemoration of their deceased family and friends. They share food and drink whilst doing so.

This year, you might consider building onto your traditional Halloween festivities by learning more about this traditional Mexican holiday or incorporating your own commemoration of your lost family and friends. Especially since your Halloween might look a bit different year, an added festivity could be a nice way to bring your family closer from home.

We wish you a happy Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos no matter how you choose to celebrate!